Er. Rajendra Ramchandra Shinde
Managing Director-Spark Industries
Blog Writer-Knowledge Bull
Many says that being an entrepreneur or to be a fresh entrepreneur is not possible by simple and common person. Yes, I say it is not a easy job, or not a piece of cake, we do have to work hard, need to think little out of the way, but it's not like impossible thing. If I can do it, you can also do it.
I started my career in teaching field after completing my Masters in Electrical Engineering and worked for about 6 Years as Head of Dept. in Electrical Engg. Dept. of Adarsh Institute of Polytechnic, Vita. Now, from 2019, me and my partner is running a small partnership firm named "SPARK INDUSTRIES"giving service in Solar, Earthing and Lighting field. The business is going smooth now, as the lots of efforts of whole team was behind the success of Spark. Now, in 2020 we are planning to start a fresh unit in food sector.
I too have blog "Knowledge Bull", which give all details of education, health, management, business and startup.
Finally, remember one thing, "SUCCESS always comes with EXPERIENCE"